First off, this sign makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever.
Why would a shop called Euro Nails be using an American style??
I do not have an answer to this question.
It is absurd, and something I have been noticing a lot in my short time (around 9 months) living in the Czech Republic.
They like to call things "American", and the only thing that I can see that makes it American is the fact that there are the colors of the American flag present and maybe some stripes/stars apparent somewhere (like in this sign, with the stars in the big "E" for EURO. jeez).
A couple weekends ago I visited a small Czech city called Podebrady, and in the center there was an "American" Pizza cart. As far as I could tell, the pizza was Czech. And what the hell is American style pizza anyways? As an American I would really like to know what "American style" means.
And also, why people would choose this as a way to make business. Are Czech people drawn to anything that says America on it? I mean, yeah, sometimes I see some douchebag on the street wearing a T-shirt with an American flag staring me in the face. But I figured they are just some pathetic tourist, showing some pride.
But after just one trip to Prague's crackhead-cheap second hand shop, Megasekac, I realized that Czech people have a shitload of American-flag ridden clothing items. Boxer shorts, Baby T's, Hoodies and more! Get yer American paraphanelia today at the 30 krown shop!!
In a country that has been in Communist depression for 40 years, they have done a shitload of turn-around in the last 20 years since the Velvet Revolution. And yes, they are one of the USA's most loyal allies - even going so far as offering up Czech land for an American-owned military Radar.
But why show such pride for a country that has lost most of it's own pride in the last 8 years (George Bush's presidency, need I say more)?
I am stumped.
So WTF - why don't y'all show yer Czech pride in the U.S.A. ??!!!
Oh yeah, because We're #1! We're #1!
[jus' kidding! i aint got no american pride]
I think it's more for the American's in Prague looking for something like home. You know how we are. :)Nice blog sweetie.
It`s so nice you have a blog baby, it`s just that you have absolutely no idea what you`re talking about whatsoever, but that`s ok, you don`t need to. You got me! :)
how fabulous! i have a big strong man to save me from myself.
if you think i have no idea what i'm talking about then it's entirely possible none of us do (as I am only observing and relaying my thoughts).
So I have a request of you. Tell me where you think I'm wrong, be as specific as possible, and dispute me! then we can really have it in. and i want to hear your thoughts, as you are a young czech man who also happens to LOVE AMERICA, how interesting for my analysis! tell me why you disagree with my post and in what ways. then we can really have some fun. opinions are a great thing to express, and they help people discover new points of view!
ok... im patiently waiting your response love...
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