Thursday, July 30, 2009

Portland! City of Scene Queens..

The 1940's term Hipster was referred to aficionados of modern jazz who adopted certain lifestyles including the following: manner of dress, slang terminology, use of drugs, relaxed attitude, sarcastic humor, self-imposed poverty, and relaxed sexual codes. Early hipsters were generally white youths adopting many of the ways of urban blacks of the time, but later hipsters often copied the early ones without knowing the origins of the culture.

Elise Thompson, an editor for the LA blog LAist argues that "people who came of age in the 70s and 80s punk rock movement seem to universally hate 'hipsters'", which she defines as people wearing "expensive 'alternative' fashion", going to the "latest, coolest, hippest bar...and listening to the latest, coolest, hippest band." Thompson argues that hipsters "... don't seem to subscribe to any particular philosophy... or ...particular genre of music." Instead, she argues that they are "soldiers of fortune of style" who take up whatever is popular and in style, "appropriating the style" of past counter cultural movements such as punk, while "discarding everything that the style stood for."

I. HIPSTER - a broad term for a "hip" person with non-individuality and who needs to be seen.

A. SCENESTERS - Indy Fashionists, Sophisticates, that appreciate unconventional art forms.
    FASHION: Seaplane Dress, tight red shirt, Black rim Glasses, Fuckin dumb hat, Designer Jeans, Belt shoes
    MUSIC: The Blow, Plants, Panther, Shaky Hands, Yacht, E*Rock, Copy
    HANGOUTS: Holocene, Aalto Lounge, Ron Toms, Tiga Bar
    RESTAURANTS: Juniors, Tin Shed
    BOOK: Breakfast of Champions, Our band could be your life
    QUOTE: "Don't You know"
    TV SHOW: Sex in the City, The WIre, Dexter
    FOOD: Pho'
    DRINK: Mohito

- Coffee/Laptop Nerds that live at Stumptown ALL FUCKIN DAY
    FASHION: Beard, Unkept hair, button down western shirt, non-blue blue jeans that are tattered, Old Maid Dresses and no brazier, cowboy boots or loafers...sometimes s pair of tattered converse
    MUSIC: Horse Feathers, Lock lomond, Nick Jaina, Laura Gibson, Shaky Hands
    HANGOUTS: Stumptown and Fresh Pot
    RESTAURANTS: Some Vegan Bullshit Restaurant
    BOOK: Annie
    QUOTE: Shhhh i am trying to look cool on my Macintosh laptop
    TV SHOW: PBS, The Arts Channel, Bob Ross
    FOOD: Vegan Crap
    DRINK: Triple shot Expresso

C. BIKE MESSENGERS - Stumptown hangers with Trendy One Fixed gear Bikes that hate any auto drivers because they are ineerly jealous they cant drive a stick.
    FASHION: Lil' bike hat, tight turtleneck shirt, shoulder bag with flare, cutofft/rolled up tight slacks, bike shoes that click when they try to "walk"
    MUSIC: Talkdemonic, Please Step Out of the Vehicle, Alan Singley
    HANGOUTS: Stumptown, Aalto Lounge, Stumptown and Stumptown
    RESTAURANTS: Delta Cafe, Vegonapolis
    BOOK: The one where Lee Armstrong should of died
    QUOTE: Fuck you jerk you're not supposed to drive your car on the main roads because my gear is fixed and i cant stop in time when you stop at a red light.
    TV SHOW: Amazing Race
    FOOD: Veggie Burgers and energy bar
    DRINK: Triple Shot Expresso

D. MODSTERS - Stupid fucks with cocky attitudes and no clue about anything but shopping for clothes and cocaine
    FASHION: Died black or bleach fakeass blonde hair, huge sunglasses, White hat, Jean Jacket or a smelly dead animal fur coat, extremely tight leather or plaid pants to show off their small junk, unnecessary white or black tie, black shiny pointy boots
    MUSIC: Nice Boys, Clorox Girls, Dandy Warhols
    HANGOUTS: Tube, Dunes, Red Light, Clackamas Mall, Kellys Olympian
    RESTAURANTS: Montage, Denny's, Mcdonalds
    BOOK: None because they can't read
    QUOTE: What does this reverb pedal do????
    TV SHOW: American Idol, Desperate Housewives
    FOOD: Cocaine, Vicodin
    DRINK: Cocaine, Pabst, Cocaine
E. ROCKERS - Almost Modsters but actually know how to pluck a guitar
    FASHION: Beards and more beards, long hair, ripped blue jeans, Shit Kickers
    MUSIC: The Planet The, Nice Nice, Quasi, LKN, Red Fang
    HANGOUTS: Matador, Berbatis Pan, Tube, Shanghai Tunnel
    RESTAURANTS: Miss Delta Cafe, Russel St BBQ
    BOOK: Please Kill Me, The Dirt-Motley Crue
    QUOTE: Pass the Pabst bro
    TV SHOW: Greys Anatomy, Days of our lives
    FOOD: Grease and Ribs
    DRINK: Bourbon Neat, Pabst, Tecate

F. HIP-HOPSTERS - Underground hip-hop dwellers waiting for the next chill ass beat to drop.
    FASHION: Crooked Trucker Hat, Old school Nike high tops, Baggy pants, Dark Rimmed Glasses, Baseball shirts
    MUSIC: DJ Tan't, Brokaw, Sleepyhead, A.E.D, Omega Watts, Life Savas
    HANGOUTS: Holocene, Nightlight, Tiger Bar, Roseland
    RESTAURANTS: Miss Delta
    BOOK: Turntable Lab 101
    QUOTE: yeah dawg that track was tight homey
    TV SHOW: 24, Lost, Battlstar Galactica
    FOOD: Burger and fries, fried chicken
    DRINK: Gin and Tonic, Miller High Life

G. GOTHS - Tattoed black haired disgruntles that wear eyeliner and makeup to cover up their acne and pock marks.
    FASHION: Black Hair, Black Eyeliner, Black Tattoos, Black lipstick, Black Shirt, Black Pants, Black shoes, Lots of Chains
    MUSIC: Stabbing Westward, Cure, NIN, Marylin Manson
    HANGOUTS: None in Portland
    BOOK: Interview with the Vampire, Death: The High Cost of Living
    QUOTE: It cant rain all the time
    TV SHOW: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    FOOD: Spaghetti
    DRINK: Meth, Yagger and redbull

H. NORMSTER - Actual musicians and artists without the fashion getup.
    FASHION: Normal looking
    MUSIC: Quiet Countries, ((( in mono ))), Wilding, Paper Uppercuts
    HANGOUTS: Beulahland, The Standard, Nightlight
    RESTAURANTS: Holmans, Ole Ole
    BOOK: Blade Runner, Breakfast of Champions
    QUOTE: What the hell is that fucker wearing??
    TV SHOW: Battlestar Gallactica, Lost, Kings, Family Guy
    FOOD: BarbeQ Ribs, Mac n' Cheese
    DRINK: Whiskey & Coke, Budweiser

II. DOUCHEBAG - A hipsters worst enemy. A waste of a human. Usually wearing a white hat, Polo shirt with extended collar, silver necklace and spiked hair. (website coming soon)

A. TOOLS- Goofy ass lookin shitheads that are wasting space and breathing my air.

    LOOK: Spiked hair, White Polo shirt or unbuttoned striped longsleeve with sleeves rolled up, Chain necklaces, designer jeans and white sneakers
    MUSIC: Top 40 or Techno shit
    HANGOUTS: Barracuda, Dirty
    RESTAURANTS: Olive Garden, Dennys, McDonalds
    BOOK: Books are gay duuude
    QUOTE: pussy pussy pussy pussy??
    TV SHOW: Americas Top Model, American Idol
    FOOD: Big Mac, Chicken Burrito
    DRINK: Martini's, or Bud

A. MEATHEADS/GUIDOS - Muscle bound pieces of shit beefcakes that have only 3 things on their mind...Club Pussy, Steroids and themselves

    LOOK: Spiked hair, Tanktops, Gold Chain necklaces, shorts or stretch jeans to compinsate for their oversized beefcake legs
    MUSIC: Creed, Limp Biskit, POD
    HANGOUTS: Barracuda, Dantes
    RESTAURANTS: Arbys and gym food
    BOOK: Abs of steele
    QUOTE: I dont give a fuck dude??
    TV SHOW: The Workout channel
    FOOD: Energy Shake, bananas and steroids
    DRINK: Tons of beer dude

B. WHIGGERS/CHAVS - White Suburbanite fucktards wanting to be Bruthas.

    LOOK: White Crooked Hat, Puberty mustache, Hoody that is 5 sizes too big, baggy ass pants that are tied by a belt at their knees
    MUSIC: Lil' John, Lil' Wayne or anything with Lil' in the front
    HANGOUTS: Fx Dance Club, Xone
    BOOK: How to be black
    QUOTE: kno' wat em sain bro
    TV SHOW: Dog Pound the Snoop Dog Show
    FOOD: Fried Chicken, Arby-Q
    DRINK: Brass Monkeys

- Wealthy piles of shit who have cheated on their ugly wives or have stabbed their best friends in the back in order to reach "the top"

    LOOK: Spiked hair, Collar shirts with tie, Black Slacks or an entire business suite, Black loafers
    MUSIC: Any shitty music for Z-100 or Techno
    HANGOUTS: Any bar in the Pearl District
    BOOK: Forbes Magazine
    QUOTE: I think george Bush was the best President of our time...don't you agree buffy...
    TV SHOW: CNN Stock market channel (whatever fucking channel that is)
    FOOD: Caviar, Lobster
    DRINK: Aged Wine or Budweiser

- Heavily armed conservative white racist illiterate wife beaters usually sportin a Mullet.

    LOOK: Mullet, Stash, trucker Hat, wifebeater tank top, torn blue jeans, no shoes or socks
    MUSIC: John Cougar Melancamp, Billy ray Cyrus
    HANGOUTS: Outhouse and Walmart
    RESTAURANTS: Cant Afford em
    BOOK: What?
    QUOTE: Hey woman get over here and skin this squirl for dinner
    TV SHOW: All My Children, Who wants to be a millionare
    FOOD: Hotdogs and road kill
    DRINK: Busch and Maddog


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